After living without a studio for the past year I have finally landed. The goal was to be by the water and here I am in Point Richmond, Ca. I am setting up my jewelry & painting studio now and it feels so good… like seeing old friends.
Jewelry studio; Point Richmond, CA
Painting studio; Point Richmond, CA
Being away from having a permanent studio and focusing on business, I have been considering “what now?!?” A huge question that deserves time, breath, respect, and space to consider. I’ll be taking that time as I close some doors in order to allow others to open. It’s exciting and scary all at once. As I write that I am reminded of when I first moved to New York City as a new art school grad and saying the exact same thing… I felt excited and scared all at once.
Sterling silver pelican brooch on the bench; Point Richmond, CA
Many changes are happening, one being that I have left Facebook and Instagram. You can find me on Bluesky at, as well as on Pinterest.
I appreciate you and your continued support.
Peace & Love
from Point Richmond
Sunset; Point Richmond, CA